XLib app won't redraw without resizing

So, I have a C ++ application that uses XLib. In it, I access the date and time using the ctime library, and in the Expose event, I create a string from it and place it in the centered window. My problem is that the time is only updated on resize, so for example the seconds don't change unless I resize the window all the time. Here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <ctime>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  Display                 *display;
  Visual                  *visual;
  int                     depth;
  int                     text_x;
  int                     text_y;
  XSetWindowAttributes    frame_attributes;
  Window                  frame_window;
  XFontStruct             *fontinfo;
  XGCValues               gr_values;
  GC                      graphical_context;
  XKeyEvent               event;
  char                    contents[80] = "                                                                               ";
  time_t                  rawtime;
  struct tm               *timeinfo;
  int                     contents_length = strlen(contents);

  display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
  visual = DefaultVisual(display, 0);
  depth  = DefaultDepth(display, 0);

  frame_attributes.background_pixel = XWhitePixel(display, 0);
  /* create the application window */
  frame_window = XCreateWindow(display, XRootWindow(display, 0),
      0, 0, 500, 50, 5, depth,
      InputOutput, visual, CWBackPixel,
  XStoreName(display, frame_window, "Fly Taskbar");
  XSelectInput(display, frame_window, ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask);

  fontinfo = XLoadQueryFont(display, "10x20");
  gr_values.font = fontinfo->fid;
  gr_values.foreground = XBlackPixel(display, 0);
  graphical_context = XCreateGC(display, frame_window,
      GCFont+GCForeground, &gr_values);
  XMapWindow(display, frame_window);

  while ( 1 ) {
    XNextEvent(display, (XEvent *)&event);
    switch ( event.type ) {
      case Expose:
          XClearWindow(display, frame_window);
          // Upkeep of interface usefulness.
          Window returned_root, returned_parent;
          Window* top_level_windows;
          unsigned int nwin = 0;

          timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
          strftime(contents, 80, "%a %d %b, %T %p", timeinfo);

          sprintf(contents, "%s [%d]", contents, nwin);

          XWindowAttributes window_attributes;
          int font_direction, font_ascent, font_descent;
          XCharStruct text_structure;
          XTextExtents(fontinfo, contents, contents_length,
              &font_direction, &font_ascent, &font_descent,
          XGetWindowAttributes(display, frame_window, &window_attributes);
          text_x = (window_attributes.width - text_structure.width) + 5;
          text_y = (window_attributes.height -
          XDrawString(display, frame_window, graphical_context,
              text_x, text_y, contents, contents_length);
  return 0;


In case any of you are wondering what purpose this is for, I am writing a window manager (I really got very far how you can open apps, move and resize them) and this is the tool I need to do debugging purposes. Repo here


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1 answer

You need an event loop for example. by calling poll (2) and handling delays. You must also call XFlush

or XSync

(because Xlib are buffering requests).

You might consider sending yourself some sort of Expose event ....

And you should look into the source code xclock



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