How to split Environment.NewLine?

I want to count the number of lines in a text.

Below works fine:

int numLines = copyText.Split('\n').Length - 1;


However, I have used System.Environment.NewLine

all over my code and when I try:

 int numLines = copyText.Split(System.Environment.NewLine).Length - 1;


It keeps lifting the red curved line under the expression, can't convert the string to char. Tried to fix this but no luck. Does anyone have any idea?


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3 answers

To break on a new line, you can use the following:

copyText.Split(new string[] { System.Environment.NewLine },
               StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1;


Here is a link to an overload that uses a string array.

Note that System.Environment.NewLine is of type System.String

. On Windows, this 2-character string: \r\n

and Unix systems - 1 character string: \n

. This is why you cannot use it like char.

Wikipedia has a good news article:

I recommend reading it.



As @Jesse Good points out, there are several kinds of newlines that can appear on a line. Regular expression can be used to match different types of strings that may appear in a string:

var text = "line 1\rline 2\nline 3\r\nline 4";

/* A regular expression that matches Windows newlines (\r\n),
    Unix/Linux/OS X newlines (\n), and old-style MacOS newlines (\r).
    The regex is processed left-to-right, so the Windows newlines
    are matched first, then the Unix newlines and finally the
    MacOS newlines. */
var newLinesRegex = new Regex(@"\r\n|\n|\r", RegexOptions.Singleline);
var lines = newLinesRegex.Split(text);

Console.WriteLine("Found {0} lines.", lines.Length);

foreach (var line in lines)



Found 4 lines.
line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4



You have to use an overload that takes String[]


int numLines = copyText.Split(new[]{System.Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1;




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