Slick.js in the last slideshow

I am using slick.js to trigger some slides, the last one should include a warning.

After trying several times online and realizing that this should work without having to hard-code the number of slides (and after seeing this solution: Carousel. Want to autoplay the slides once and stop ), I have the following code:

          var item_length = $('.slider > div').length - 1;
            appendArrows : '.arrow-holder',
            adaptiveHeight : true,
            infinite : false,
            onAfterChange: function(){
                if( item_length == slider.slickCurrentSlide() ){
                    alert("Slide 2");


Unfortunately, nothing happens when I get to the last slide. It doesn't look like I'm doing hardcoded in the last issue, even taking zero indexing into account.

I don't have any errors or warnings in the console, so I'm trying to figure out how to fix the problem.


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3 answers

Your onAfterChange function is missing the required input from the spot. This code should fix it:

      var item_length = $('.slider > div').length - 1;
        appendArrows : '.arrow-holder',
        adaptiveHeight : true,
        infinite : false,
        onAfterChange: function(slide, index){
            if( item_length == index ){
                alert("Slide 2");


Note that index [0] is the first slide



This Anima-t3d based solution works with multiple slides at once

$(this).on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide){
    if (slick.$slides.length == currentSlide + slick.options.slidesToScroll) {
        console.log("Last slide");

Run code



For people in the future, the API has changed. This is what I am using now:

$(this).on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide) {
  console.log(slick, currentSlide);
  if (slick.$slides.length-1 == currentSlide) {
    console.log("Last slide");


Note: this

can be replaced with a selector eg..slider



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