MongoDB - "Prefixed dollar ($) field" $$ hashKey "in field" Field name ". $$ hashKey \ not valid for storage. '"

I get the above error for the field when trying to update the document timesToDisplay


MongoDB version 2.6.7.

The whole model:

msg = {
          'name': '',
          'template': '',
          'displayDurInMilliSec': 0,
          'timesToDisplay': [],
          'images': [],
          'texts': [],
          'screen': []


I am guessing I am getting the same error with other fields of array 3.

I tried using $set

it but threshold was getting the same error.


function updateMessage(msg) {
    var conditions = {_id: msg._id}
      , update = { 'name':,
                   'template': msg.template,
                   'displayDurInMilliSec': msg.displayDurInMilliSec,
                   'timesToDisplay': msg.timesToDisplay,
                   'images': msg.images,
                   'texts': msg.texts,
                   'screen': msg.screen

    messageModel.update(conditions, update, callback);

    function callback(err, numAffected) {
        if (!err) console.log(numAffected)
        else console.log(err)


EDIT: The parameter msg

is the document itself:

{ _id: '557d58abd54955480db6694f',
  name: 'msg99',
  timesToDisplay: [ { startDate: '2015-06-19T21:00:00.000Z',
                   '$$hashKey': 'object:214',
                    endDate: '2015-06-25T21:00:00.000Z',
                    daysOfTheWeek: [Object],
                    startTimeOfDay: '11',
                    endTimeOfDay: '13' } ],
 images: [],
 texts: [],
 screen: [ 1 ],
 '$$hashKey': 'object:54',
 displayDurInMilliSec: '40189',
 template: 'templates/Template2.html' }



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1 answer

The field is $$hashkey

added by AngularJS when working with ngRepeat or ngOptions. In the case of ngRepeat, you can change the repeat line by appending to it track by $index

. To use ngOptions, you will have to filter this field yourself. AngularJS provides a quick solution to its filtering: angular.toJson

. This will filter out all fields with two dollar signs. Check the documentation .

I understand this is not MongoDB's answer, but this particular error ($$ hashkey) is usually AngularJS related.



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