Checking a recursive string structure

I want to validate a string representing a serialized form of an expression tree. Here are some examples that I want to test:

  • Example 1: (6+2)

  • Example 2: (6*(4+2))

  • Example 3: (9*(4-(7*3)))

  • Example 4: ((5+2)/(9+2))

  • Example 5: (((2-1)+2)/(9+()7*2))

As you can see in Example 1, the simple case is where I have two numbers with an operation surrounded by parentheses. However, any number can also be an expression. These expressions can be as deep as necessary.

I am working in .NET and I want to write a regex to check that the format of the string matches what I showed in the examples. I can't figure out how to write a .NET regex to do this check.

A simple case can be verified as follows:

string testCase = "(6+2)";
string baseExpression = "([(][0-9][+-/*][0-9][)])";
Regex rgx = new Regex(baseExpression );
bool returnValue = rgx.IsMatch(testCase);


However, I don't know how to introduce recursion, that the number can be replaced with another baseExpression;

The examples show integers for numbers. Ultimately I want to be able to represent these numeric values โ€‹โ€‹as floating with (or without) a decimal point.

Does anyone have any idea?


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3 answers

In general, a regular expression is not powerful enough to check for parentheses in an expression. However, .NET does support balancing groups that can be used to test your expressions as follows:




and '-open'

- balancing groups. How this expression works is explained in the article at the link.

Even though .NET allows you to do this in a regex, this is not the best approach to solving this problem, as any regex solution becomes a fragile "write-once-and-never-touch-again" solution, you had it would be much better to write a simple recursive descent parser for the problem, because the solution you code that way would be easy to read and much more maintainable.



Regex is not a good tool for analyzing problems. For that specific, you can use a DataTable to evaluate your formula:

static bool evaluateFormula(String formula)
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        var v = dt.Compute(formula, "");//if you need the result return this
        return true;
        return false;


In your example, the last formula is not valid since 9 + () 7 * 2 doesn't really make sense:

static void Main(String[] args)







I think you should be using Stack Structure to group characters from string input. System.Collections.Stack

There is no need for recursion here. Just place your characters one at a time on your stack and control it however you wish.

ps: I made a verifyXML method in java that can help VerifyXML Java somehow



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