How do I change the color of a Google Calendar event?

I am creating a google calendar and creating events using the Google Client Libarary for PHP. By creating this, I am setting the "colorId" for the event (pink). But when I embed a google calendar on my site, the events show only blue color (despite the fact that I saw that this event is pink in color on google calendar).

Here's an example I want to do like this:

enter image description here

Anyone can give me a solution for this, thanks a lot!


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1 answer

What they did is create a separate calendar for each room, color-coded each of those calendars, and then combine everything to display in the built-in calendar. This is evident from their note: "Click on the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the calendar to filter by room." - this dropdown is used in Google Calendar to filter calendar (s).



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