Implicit Generic.Aux missing when converting from Shapeless HList to case class
I recently started learning scala and today I figured I want to write a CSV parser that will load well into case classes but store data in strings (lists) of a Shapeless HList object so that I can get some level programming done.
Here's what I have so far:
// LoadsCsv.scala
import shapeless._
import scala.collection.mutable
trait LoadsCsv[A, T <: HList] {
val rows: mutable.MutableList[T] = new mutable.MutableList[T]
def convert(t: T)(implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, T]): A = gen.from(t)
def get(index: Int): A = {
def load(file: String): Unit = {
val lines = io.Source.fromFile(file).getLines()
lines.foreach(line => rows += parse(line.split(",")))
def parse(line: Array[String]): T
And the object loading the dataset:
// TennisData.scala
import shapeless._
case class TennisData(weather:String, low:Int, high:Int, windy:Boolean, play:Boolean)
object TennisData extends LoadsCsv[TennisData, String :: Int :: Int :: Boolean :: Boolean :: HNil] {
override def parse(line: Array[String]) = {
line(0) :: line(1).toInt :: line(2).toInt :: line(3).toBoolean :: line(4).toBoolean :: HNil
Everything seems to work fine until I added a get () converting from an HList to a case class where I now get a compile error. Why isn't loading implied and what can I do to fix it or otherwise convert from HList to case class?
Error:(14, 17) could not find implicit value for parameter gen: shapeless.Generic.Aux[A,T]
return convert(rows(index))
I was reading the shapeless documentation and it mentions that this area was in flux between versions 1 and 2, but I believe everything should work on my version of shapeless and scala, so I suspect I'm just doing something wrong.
For reference, I am running scala 2.11.6 and shapeless 2.2.2
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You are very close. The problem is, Scala won't automatically propagate implicit requirements down the call chain for you. If you need an instance Generic[A, T]
to invoke convert
then you will need to make sure everyone is in scope every time you call convert convert
. If A
u T
are fixed (and are actually a case- pair HList
), Shapeless will generate one for you. However, in your method, the get
compiler knows nothing about A
and T
other than what T
is HList
, so you need to require the instance again to call convert
def get(index: Int)(implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, T]): A = convert(rows(index))
After this change, everything should work fine.
Note that you can also require an instance at the trait level by adding an (abstract) method as shown below:
implicit def genA: Generic.Aux[A, T]
Then any class that implements LoadsCsv
can have an implicit parameter val genA
(or can provide an instance in some other way).
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