JavaFX autoscroll down scroll
Is there a way for the ScrollPane to automatically scroll as its content height increases? For example, I have a TitledPane at the bottom of the screen (inside a ScrollPane) and when I expand it, I would like the ScrollPane to scroll down so I can see all the content of the TitledPane.
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You must tell the scrollpane where the current coordinates are before passing the value to the vertical or horizontal bar.
This code works really well for me:
// the owner node of your scrollPane;
// the maxValue for scrollPane bar ( 1.0 it the default value )
scrollPane.setVvalue( 1.0d );
You need to code this when your scrollpane grows. For example, if you are adding nodes to an internal scrollpane node, add a list of listeners to it.
If the inner scroll node changes its height, add a listener to heightProperty.
For example, the inner node of your scrollPane is an AnchorPane and you are adding nodes to that panel, so follow these steps:
( ListChangeListener.Change<? extends Node> c ) -> {
scrollPane.setVvalue( 1.0d );
If it is a height that grows ...
(observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
scrollPane.setVvalue( 1.0d );
What is it!
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I did it using AnimationTimer. I had to wait 100,000,000 nanoseconds to make sure the ScrollPane responded to the extended Titlepane.
public void scrollNodeInTopScrollPane(Node n, ScrollPane s) {
final Node node = n;
final ScrollPane clientTopScrollPane = s;
AnimationTimer timer = new AnimationTimer() {
long lng = 0;
public void handle(long l) {
if (lng == 0) {
lng = l;
if (l > lng + 100000000) {
if (node.getLocalToSceneTransform().getTy() > 20) {
clientTopScrollPane.setVvalue(clientTopScrollPane.getVvalue() + 0.05);
if (clientTopScrollPane.getVvalue() == 1) {
} else {
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