Laravel 5 pagination with trailing forward slash at 301

I am using Laravel 5 and notice that pagination adds a trailing slash in front of ?page=#

it and with that it always redirects to the 301 page.

will make 301 redirects to

This is causing my ajax pagination to slow down because it has 2 responses.

How do I force laravel to accept

so that it doesn't redirect 301?

I am basing it on this site that uses LengthAwarePaginator



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3 answers

If you look in your file app/public/.htaccess

you will see this line:

# Redirect Trailing Slashes...
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]


By removing it, you turn off the trailing slash relay.



I would do this in my controller instead of changing .htaccess

    $posts= Article::latest()->paginate(4);
    $posts->setPath('');//just add this line after your paginate function


or some users may prefer to add this line when they generate links in sight

$links = str_replace('/?', '?', $posts->render());




Answer to

@shaddys is the most correct solution, but I couldn't use it because of the other routes. So I just did this,

     url: url.replace('/?','?'),


With this, you get a working pagination and no redirects.



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