What are all local variables passed to the data segment / BSS?

The man page nm

here: MAN NM says that

Symbol type. At least the following types are used; others, as well, depending on the object file format. If the lowercase character is usually local; if the uppercase character is global (external)

And underneath there are "b" and "B" for "uninitialized data section (known as BSS)" and "d" and "D" for "initialized data section"

But I thought that local variables always have a stack / heap and not a Data or BSS section. Then what local variables is nm talking about?


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2 answers

"local" in this context means file scope.


static int local_data = 1; /* initialised local data */
static int local_bss; /* uninitialised local bss */
int global_data = 1; /* initialised global data */
int global_bss; /* uninitialised global bss */

void main (void)
   // Some code




Static-function-scope variables go into data or BSS (or text) sections, depending on initialization:

void somefunc(void)
    static char array1[256] = "";            // Goes in BSS, probably
    static char array2[256] = "ABCDEF…XYZ";  // Goes in Data
    static const char string[] = "Kleptomanic Hypochondriac";
                                             // Goes in Text, probably


Similar rules apply to variables defined in the file scope, with or without a storage class specifier static

- uninitialized or null initialized data goes in the BSS section; initialized data goes in the "Data" section; and the constant data will probably end up in the "Text" section.



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