Variable declaration, does it create a reference to an actual object or a copy?

I am looking at the source of the web application and I can see a lot of use cases like my example code. I can't find any information online on how to declare a local variable in C # (complex type) and just want to be sure if it creates a reference or a copy of that object. Coming from a JavaScript background, I would assume that it always creates a link unless it is a primitive data type.

The code is like this

CustomItemType myVarA = (CustomItemType) this.Session["VAR_1"];

// Do some work on the properties of VAR_1
int num2 = checked (myVarA.Items.Count - 1);
int index = 0;
while (index <= num2)
    myVarA.Items[index].StatusCode = "Posted";
    checked { ++index; }

// Save back to the session
this.Session["VAR_1"] = (object) myVarA;


I understand correctly that the next line is unnecessary.

// Save back to the session
this.Session["VAR_1"] = (object) myVarA;


Since a local variable myVarA

is just a reference to a property in the session, so if you update the local variable then you will update the session object as well?

Second, could this be a problem when every web page is served on a new thread, that these multiple threads will access the same session object and do manipulations at the same time?


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1 answer

  • The primitive data types and structures (declared as struct

    ) are as follows: value ', clasess (declared as class

    ) are "by reference". So it depends on what CustomItemType

  • Yes, this creates a potential thread synchronization issue. In the simple case, you can place object manipulations inside a block lock




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