How can I have a sorted set of objects based on a specific field?
I need to get a sorted list of objects based on them sort field
; Their type is collection SortedSet
, but the code throws the following exception. I also tried adding annotation @Sort
as described in the sorted collection section of the hibernate documentation , but it looks like it is out of date!
An exception
Caused by: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: A sorted collection must define and ordering or sorting
SortedSet<Offer> offers = new TreeSet<Offer>();
public class Person {
long id;
//@OrderBy("sort ASC") <<< If I use this just one offer will be in the collection
SortedSet<Offer> offers = new TreeSet<Offer>();
public class Offer implements Comparable<Offer>{
long id;
String name;
short sort;
public int compareTo(Offer o) {
return sort - o.sort;
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