Empty map routing [string] interface {} results in "null" instead of nil

I have a problem where Go inserts "null" into my PostgreSQL database jsonb columns if I try to do the following and the structs property (in this case the type [string] interface) {}) is empty:

accessMembers, _ := json.Marshal(c.AccessMembers)


When doing a test print, it outputs the same as the value stored in the database:

fmt.Println(string(accessMembers)) // equals the string "null"


The problem is that I need it to be nil (not a string, but Golang nil), so when I use it in the Exec function below:

sqlStr := `UPDATE my_table SET access_members=$1 WHERE id=$2;`

_, err := db.Exec(sqlStr, accessMembers, c.Id)


It should be equivalent (which works !!):

_, err := db.Exec(sqlStr, nil, c.Id)


I've tried many different workarounds that I thought should work, but they didn't.


var accessMembers []byte

am, _ := json.Marshal(c.AccessMembers)

if string(am) != "null"{
    accessMembers = am

sqlStr := `UPDATE my_table SET access_members=$1 WHERE id=$2;`

_, err := db.Exec(sqlStr, accessMembers, c.Id)


This results in the following error: "pq: invalid input syntax for json type"

I can't figure out why this is not the same as explicitly specifying nil in the parameter of the Exec functions, since the [] byte must obviously be nil, right?

What am I doing wrong here? This is how I hoped it would work: http://play.golang.org/p/UoLAGfhhRl


var accessMembers interface{} = nil

if c.AccessMembers != nil {
    j, _ := json.Marshal(c.AccessMembers)
    accessMembers = j


Thanks to thwd for providing a solution mostly and for specifying how the database driver marshals differently by offering an interface {} instead of a [] byte.

Thanks DonSeba for reminding me to check if the struct exists before using the resources for marshal to do string conversion and comparison, which should be more expensive.


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2 answers

I can't figure out why this is not the same as explicitly specifying nil in the parameter of the Exec functions, since the [] byte must obviously be nil, right?


has a type. Database driver routers are nil

different for type map[string]interface{}

or []byte

than for interface{}

(which is the type of the second argument db.Exec

). You should be able to:

var i interface{} = nil

j, _ := json.Marshal(c.AccessMembers)

if string(j) != "null" {
     i = j

sqlStr := `UPDATE content SET access_members=$1 WHERE id=$2;`

_, err := db.Exec(sqlStr, i, c.Id)




You haven't initialized yours AccessMembers


Before you decide to marshal a value, you must check if it exists.

if c.AccessMembers == nil {
    c.AccessMembers = make(map[string]interface{})


If you do this, the result is:

accessMembers, err := json.Marshal(c.AccessMembers)


will be a valid empty json value {}

and will be valid to be stored in db and later retrieved.


the "NULL" value was discussed here: https://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=2278



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