Any suggestion for launching Aerospike on Kubernete on CoreOS on GCE?

I would like to run Aerospike cluster on Docker containers managed by Kubernetes on CoreOS on Google Compute Engine (GCE). But since GCE does not allow multicast, I have to use Mesh heartbeat as described here , which has to be configured with all node IP addresses and ports; it seems inflexible to me.

Are there any recommended cloud configuration settings for Aerospike cluster on Kubernetes / CoreOS / GCE with cluster storage flexibility?


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2 answers

An alternative to specifying all seed mesh IPs is to use the asinfo tip command


Please look:

prompt command

asinfo -v 'tip:host=;port=3002'


The above command can be added to script or orchestration tool with correct ips.

You can also find more information on the aerospace forum:

Aerospace Forum



You can get pod IP addresses from service via integrated DNS lookup - if you set clusterIP: "none"

dig +short svcname.namespace.svc.cluster.local


Will return each ip code to the service.



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