Run Lua script from Python

Suppose I have a Lua script that contains 2 functions. I would like to call each of these functions some arguments from a Python script.

I have seen tutorials on how to embed Lua code in Python and vice versa using Lunatic Python, however my Lua functions that will execute in a Python script are not static and subject to change.

Hence, I need to import functions from a .lua file somehow, or just execute a .lua file from a Python script with some arguments and get the return value.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

It would be very grateful.


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1 answer

You can use subprocess

to run your Lua script and provide functions with its arguments.

import subprocess

result = subprocess.check_output(['lua', '-l', 'demo', '-e', 'test("a", "b")'])

result = subprocess.check_output(['lua', '-l', 'demo', '-e', 'test2("a")'])


  • -l

    the given library is required (your script)
  • -e

    is the code to be run at startup (your function)

The result value will be the value STDOUT

, so just write your return value and you can just read it in your Python script. The Lua script demo I used for the example just prints the arguments:

function test (a, b)
    print(a .. ', ' .. b)

function test2(a)


In this example, both files should be in the same folder, and the executable lua

should be in yours PATH


Another solution where only one Lua VM is generated is used pexpect

and run the virtual machine interactively.

import pexpect

child = pexpect.spawn('lua -i -l demo')

child.sendline('test("a", "b")')




So, you can use sendline(...)

to send a command to the interpreter and readline()

to read the output. The first child.readline()

after sendline()

reads the line in which the command will print on STDOUT




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