Context configuration in spock test

I have an application class like this:

public class Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


Also I have a UserService class (discovered with @EnableJpaRepositories ("ibd.jpa"))

public class UserService {

private UserRepository userRepository;

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public User createUser(@RequestParam String login, @RequestParam String password){
    return User(login,password));


And I am trying to check UserService:

class UserServiceTest extends Specification {

def UserService userService

def "if User not exists 404 status in response sent and corresponding message shown"() {
    when: 'rest account url is hit'
    MockMvc mockMvc = standaloneSetup(userService).build()
        def response = mockMvc.perform(get('/user?login=wrongusername&password=wrongPassword')).andReturn().response
        response.status == NOT_FOUND.value()
        response.errorMessage == "Login or password is not correct"



But the problem is this: UserService in the test is null - not connected. Means that the Context is not loaded. Please tell me where the problem is in the ContextConfiguration of the test.


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2 answers


@ContextConfiguration(loader = SpringApplicationContextLoader.class, classes = Application.class)


and using RestTemplate

how in this question



Extending on this, as the bounty required some development: Spring does not hook into beans by default in unit tests. This is why these annotations are needed. I'll try to break them down a bit:

  • Uses SpringBootContextLoader as the default ContextLoader unless a specific @ContextConfiguration (loader = ...) is defined.
  • Automatically looks for @SpringBootConfiguration when nested @Configuration is not used and no explicit classes are specified.

Without these annotations, Spring does not wire the beans required for your test configuration. This is partly for performance reasons (most tests do not require context tuning).



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