C # Custom attribute with support for string resources does not load localized resources

I have a DLL that contains these custom attributes

public class MyAttribute: System.Attribute {

private ResourceManager resManager = null;

public MyAttribute() {

public Type ResourceType { get; set; }

private string caption = string.Empty;
public string Caption {
  get { return getResourceString(caption); }
  set { caption = value; }
} //Caption

private string getResourceString(string resourceKey) {

  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceKey))
    return string.Empty;

  if (ResourceType == default(Type))
    return resourceKey;

  if (resManager == null)
    resManager = new ResourceManager(ResourceType);

  return resManager.GetString(resourceKey) ?? string.Format("[[{0}]]", resourceKey);

} //getResourceString()



And a program (exe) using MyAttribute as well as the required resources (resKeyHello) for English and French in Resources.resx and Resources.fr.resx respectively

[MyAttribute(Caption="resKeyHello", ResourceType=typeof(Resources)]
public Foo() {


The problem is that it never uses a satellite build. I also tried to create a ResourceManager like this ResourceManager (ResourceType.FullName, ResourceType.Assembly) , but without any effect. And also tried to load resource like this resManager.GetString (resourceKey, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture)

In the debugger, I can see that CurrentUICulture is French.


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1 answer

I finally found a workaround.

The problem seems to be related to how the french resource file was created. I used Project -> New -> Resource file with the same name and .fr.resx extension.

The satellite DLL was generated at compile time in a subfolder. / bin / fr, but the runtime didn't see it.

Finally, I used the "ResX Resource Manager" from CodePlex to generate my resource files and now everything is fine



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