Why isn't PHP running a complex query?

I have a really weird problem.

This is part of the .php page:

$query="SELECT idlezione, nomemateria, oinizio, ofine FROM materia, lezione, ora, giorno WHERE materia.idmateria=lezione.idmateria AND ora.idora=lezione.idora AND giorno.idgiorno=lezione.giorno AND nomegiorno=\"$nomeg\" AND iddocente=\"$docente\" AND idclasse=\"$classe\" ORDER BY oinizio;";
    echo $query;
    echo mysql_num_rows($res);


Now when I copy the result echo $query;

into phpmyadmin it returns 2 lines to me, but it echo mysql_num_rows($res);

returns "0" in my .php .

If I use a simple query like SELECT * FROM materia;

it returns many rows.

UPDATE: Everything was on altervista.org, now I tried to move my db to local and run a query (using XAMPP) and everything works fine. Why?


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1 answer

I suggest using PDO and prepared statements.

Here's http://docs.php.net/pdo.prepared-statements an introduction to pdo and prepared statements (including related parameters).



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