Drupal 7 - How to use preprocess functions correctly?

inside my page.tpl.php I have the following code which is causing some problems in the backend. So I want to solve it better, with preprocessing functions.

if (!path_is_admin(current_path())) {
                    $pathArray = explode('/', current_path());
                    if (!empty($pathArray)) {
                        $path_to_node = url("node/".$pathArray[1]);
                        $img = '<img src="'.$theme_path.'/images/default.png" alt="Default" />';                        
                        if (!empty($path_to_node)) {
                            $menuChildArray = explode('/', $path_to_node);
                            if (!empty($menuChildArray[2])) {
                                $menuParent = $menuChildArray[2];
                                    switch($menuParent) {
                                        case "one":
                                        $img = '<img src="'.$theme_path.'/images/one.png" alt="Pic tne!" />';

                                        case "two":
                                        $img = '<img src="'.$theme_path.'/images/two.png" alt="Pic two!" />';

                        print $img;                         


But how can I figure it out? To give it a try, I did the following:

I added template.php to the Theme folder and added:

function set2015_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
    $variables['set2015_pics'] = 'test';


Inside page.tpl.php I did the following:

    print $set2015_pics;


But nothing prints ... What am I doing wrong here?



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2 answers

Assuming set2015 is the name of your theme, everything looks good, so clearing the cache with drush or in tweak / development / performance should make the variable appear. If set2015 is not the name of your theme, rename the set2015_preprocess_page function to YOURTHEME_preprocess_page



Debug it. Add first echo "I'm here";


, then hit it, then after the second, if

and so on ... to see what's done and what's not. Try to localize the problem.



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