INSERT statement for one to large relationship

So I am working on a project to catalog my games and I am facing a problem. I have a DB with two tables that are split like this:


  • gameId (PK) is the id (auto-increment)
  • gamePrice
  • name
  • edition


  • noteId (PK) Identity (autoincrement)
  • notes
  • noteDate
  • GameID (FC)

There can be many notes in one game, so there is one-many relationship between the two tables, where the column inside "Game_Notes" called "gameId" is FK / refers to the primary key "Game_Information" with the same name.

Now in Webmatrix I have coded a page that allows me to enter game price, name and release. On this page, I can also add a note about the game. In the column, the page takes information from the text boxes and tries the following:

db.Execute("INSERT INTO Game_Information (gamePrice, name, edition) VALUES (@0, @1, @2)", gamePrice, name, edition); 
db.Execute("INSERT INTO Game_Notes(notes, noteDate) VALUES (@0, @1)", notes, noteDate);


This now works and puts the information in the correct tables, but it leaves the gameId (FK) in "Game_Notes" blank.

I would like the number assigned to gameId (PK) in "Game_Information" to be reflected in gameId (FK) in "Game_Notes".

Can anyone help me with this or point out articles I can read? Thank.

-Update- Made the question clearer.


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2 answers

If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to accomplish two things:

  • Get the gameId of the newly inserted entry in Game_Information
  • Use this game in the following insert instruction in Game_Notes

While there are many ways to do this, using an "output" value would be one sentence. Something like:

var id = db.QueryValue("INSERT INTO Game_Information (gamePrice, name, edition) output Inserted.gameId VALUES (@0, @1, @2)", gamePrice, name, edition); 


Check out some posts for more information: Sql Server returns identity column value after insert statement

Then use that id in the following expression:

db.Execute("INSERT INTO Game_Notes(gameId, notes, noteDate) VALUES (@0, @1, @2)", id, notes, noteDate);


Disclaimer: I haven't tested this, just trying to point you in the right direction.



You need to include gameId

in your second statement db.execute

db.Execute("INSERT INTO Game_Notes(gameId, notes, noteDate) VALUES (@0, @1, @2)", gameId, notes, noteDate);




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