Failed to debug / start / stop xsl in visual studio 2015RC community

Hope someone can help,

The options for debugging / starting / stopping the xsl file are highlighted in the xml editor toolbar - I followed this approach Walkthrough: Debug XSLT Style Sheet . To test this, just open or create an xsl file and enable the xml toolbar. From here, you should enable the appropriate run and debug buttons. Also, the xml menu only has Create Schema (greyed out) and Schemas ...

This all works great in the vs2013 community.

Is this a known issue in vs2015RC? If any ideas don't fix it?

Edit: just reinstalled VS and the problem is still there, so maybe this feature doesn't work in RC - would appreciate it if anyone else can get some feedback.



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1 answer

Ask about this on the relevant Microsoft forums and the issue has been confirmed by another member. Raised as a bug on Microsoft Connect



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