Silex namespace: MainController class does not exist

I am trying to use Silex Framework but I have a problem with namespaces I think.

when i initialize my MainController class i have the following error: class "MainController" does not exist

here's the namespace declaration in my MainController.php:

    namespace App\Controllers;

    use Silex\Application;

    class MainController implements \Silex\ControllerProviderInterface { 


in my app.php:

$app->mount("/", new \App\Controllers\MainController());


And I have autoloading in my composer.json:

    "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {"App\\": "app/"}


scruture of my project is like this:

| --app /
| ---- app.php
| ---- Controllers /
| ------- MainController.php
| --web /
| ---- index.php

Many thanks for your help:)


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1 answer

I believe your problem is caused by the way you named your directory controllers

. According to the documentation about the standard PSR-4


5) The alphabetic characters in the full class name MAY be any combination of lower case and upper case.

6) All class names MUST be case-sensitive.

So, rename the directory to controllers

and run composer update


Also, take a look at ServiceControllerProvider for the correct way to set up a controller instance as a callback. Passing a new instance might not be the best (if not wrong) way to do things. You should be doing something like:

$app->get('/', 'App\\Controllers\\MainController::index');




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