More precision required for SQL Server Money data type

I am working on this old SQL Server database that stores numeric values ​​in a type MONEY

. This has been good for many years, now we need up to ten decimal places for some currency conversions. We are investigating a possible conversion from MONEY

datatype to DECIMAL


I see that the field is MONEY

equivalent to a DECIMAL(19, 4)

. Would it be safe to use a wider one DECIMAL(25, 10)

to accommodate ten decimal digits?

What if we want to provide more room for a future request, what is the limit that will no longer fit in a classic ASP application based on a database (using Double

a datatype)?



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1 answer

you must define the type as decimal (25,10), which can hold the federal deficit down to 10 digits. (25 digits with ten after the decimal point).



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