Implicit value / conversion in package-private companion object

I tried to find any information (docs, specs, etc.) on this subject, but the topic seems to be pretty invulnerable. I am asking for any links as to why the following works.

trait Foo[A]

package bar {
  trait Bar
  private[bar] object Bar {
    implicit val b: Foo[Bar] = null

import bar._
def foo[A: Foo](a: A): Foo[A] = implicitly[Foo[A]]

foo(new Bar) // compiles


Somehow the compiler was able to find the implicit value of the type Foo[Bar]

in the package private-companion object Bar

. Why?

To clarify my question. Everything changes - we change the companion object as shown below (the implicit value is private, but the enclosing object is not). The above code will not compile with this Bar


package bar {
  trait Bar
  object Bar {
    private implicit val b: Foo[Bar] = null


Are there any docs / specs out there explaining why this is happening?


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