Find 30 Average Results
I have a request to display 30 results
select top 30 * from [dbo].[Stats]
where Rack_Code = 'ABC'
order by Date_of_Record desc
and query to get all-time averages
SELECT AVG(Total_MB - (East_MB + West_MB)) AS Other,
AVG(East_MB) AS East,
AVG(West_MB) AS West
FROM [dbo].[Stats]
WHERE Rack_Code = 'ABC'
Which gives the correct conclusion
But when I try to get the averages for the Top 30 records, the SQL query seems to be ignoring Top 30
SELECT TOP 30 AVG(Total_MB - (East_MB + West_MB)) AS Other,
AVG(East_MB) AS East,
AVG(West_MB) AS West
FROM [dbo].[Stats]
WHERE Rack_Code = 'ABC'
And gives the wrong conclusion
Please inform
source to share
You had it pretty much everything, all you have to do is place TOP 30
yours inside a subquery or CTE, not yoursAVG
SELECT AVG(Total_MB - ( East_MB + West_MB )) AS Other
,AVG(East_MB) AS East
,AVG(West_MB) AS West
FROM [dbo].[stats]
WHERE Rack_Code = 'ABC'
ORDER BY Date_of_Record DESC
) a
Note that the only time you can use ORDER BY
in a subquery is with a suggestion TOP
CTE solution,
;WITH base
AS (
FROM [dbo].[stats]
WHERE Rack_Code = 'ABC'
ORDER BY Date_of_Record DESC
SELECT AVG(Total_MB - ( East_MB + West_MB )) AS Other
,AVG(East_MB) AS East
,AVG(West_MB) AS West
FROM base
CTE documentation . Note that SQL-Server treats the CTE as a view. This can lead to some overhead, and if it is nested deeply enough the query optimizer will not be able to read the statistics and can greatly increase performance.