Execute task after compilation

I need a myTask task to execute after the compilation task completes. I tried several things I found on this forum:

  • using dependOn β†’ only works if "sbt myTask" is explicitly called at the sbt prompt. But I need myTask to execute automatically whenever compilation is done.
  • with triggeredBy - > myTask is never called

Working with the other way works like a charm, although that's not what I want. I mean:

(compile at compile) <<= (compile at compile) depends on myTask

forces myTask to be executed first and then the compilation task is performed. But I need myTask to execute after compilation is complete.

Any idea?

Many thanks.


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1 answer

Here is one way to change the compilation task for the call anotherTask

. Add to your build.sbt


lazy val anotherTask = taskKey[Unit]("another task")

anotherTask := println("hello")

compile in Compile := {
    val compileAnalysis = (compile in Compile).value




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