Angular Controller As syntax - no method '$ watchCollection'

I am trying to do Controller As Syntax in Angular. At the moment I have this in my routerProvider ... not sure if it matters for the problem I am having, but here it is anyway:

 angular.module('ucp.kick', [
.config ($routeProvider, APP_BASE_URL) ->
  .when APP_BASE_URL + 'kicks',
    name: 'Kicks'
    templateUrl: 'kick/partials/kick.html'
    controller: 'kick as KickController'


Here is a condensed version of my controller I have:

  this.$watchCollection('filtered.devices', function(devices) {
    return this.filteredDevices = devices;


But I am getting:

TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method '$watchCollection'


I understand that when using a controller as your syntax, you don't want to inject a scope. So how do I access the function $watchCollection



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3 answers

You still need to enter $scope

in order to use $watch

and $watchCollection

. Now, you might be thinking what you can do:

$scope.$watchCollection('filtered.devices', function (newVal, oldVal) {});



$scope.$watchCollection('this.filtered.devices', function (newVal, oldVal) {});


But that won't work. Therefore, you need to either do:

var that = this;
$scope.$watchCollection(function () {
    return that.filtered.devices;
}, function (newVal, oldVal) {




$scope.$watchCollection(angular.bind(this, function () {
    return this.filtered.devices;
}), function (newVal, oldVal) {




$scope.$watchCollection("KickController.filtered.devices", function(newVal, oldVal) { });




For a watch, you still need to use $scope


After typing $scope

into your controller, just like before the syntax appears controllerAs

, you can do:$scope.$watchCollection(..)

To keep repeating what I mean: if the value you are trying to look at is bound to a value using syntax controllerAs

for example kickController.someValue

, then you will see that value$scope.$watchCollection('kickController.someValue',...)

Sidenote: Showing all your code will help because it looks like you can define your controller definition backwards. You meant: ... controller: KickController as kick

and then:

var kick = this;




controller as

does not replace the controller $scope

. Controllers have no property $watchCollection

. You will still have to inject $scope

and use $scope.$watchCollection

and you have to use the controller id as the name of the collection to view



That being said, you can usually avoid using $watch

and $watchCollection

, and you can just work with data bindings. Angular will use $watchCollection

inside a collection. In particular, I'm not sure if you need this other property filteredDevices

when you can just use the filter explicitly on an existing collection.



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