MVVM Light field and specified data model

Here is a basic diagram for using the MVVM Light method Set


public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private string _text;
    public Text 
        get{ return _text; }
        set{ Set(()=>Text, ref _text, value); }


But in my project, I keep the fields in the DataModel class, which is good for cloning data and copies to undo changes:

public class MyDataModel
    public string Text;

public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private MyDataModel data;
    public Text 
        get{ return data.Text; }
        set{ data.Text = value; RaisePropertyChanged(()=>Text); } 


But in this case I cannot use the method Set

because its the second parameter ref

and I cannot use it data.Text

as a parameter ref


Set( ()=>Text, ref data.Text, value ); // - its error


Any thoughts on how to fix this issue are greatly appreciated.


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