Correct strip: char with regex

I want to get words in a text string in python

s = "The saddest aspect of life right now is: science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."

result = re.sub("\b[^\w\d_]+\b", " ",  s ).split()
print result  


I get:

['The', 'saddest', 'aspect', 'of', 'life', 'right', 'now', 'is:', 'science', 'gathers', 'knowledge', 'faster', 'than', 'society', 'gathers', 'wisdom.']


How can I get "is" and not "is:" on lines that contain :

? I thought it \b

would be enough to use ...


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3 answers

I think you intended to pass the raw string to re.sub

(note at r


result = re.sub(r"\b[^\w\d_]+\b", " ",  s ).split()



['The', 'saddest', 'aspect', 'of', 'life', 'right', 'now', 'is', 'science', 'gathers', 'knowledge', 'faster', 'than', 'society', 'gathers', 'wisdom.']




You forgot to make it a string literal ( r".."


>>> import re
>>> s = "The saddest aspect of life right now is: science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."
>>> re.sub("\b[^\w\d_]+\b", " ",  s ).split()
['The', 'saddest', 'aspect', 'of', 'life', 'right', 'now', 'is:', 'science', 'gathers', 'knowledge', 'faster', 'than', 'society', 'gathers', 'wisdom.']
>>> re.sub(r"\b[^\w\d_]+\b", " ",  s ).split()
['The', 'saddest', 'aspect', 'of', 'life', 'right', 'now', 'is', 'science', 'gathers', 'knowledge', 'faster', 'than', 'society', 'gathers', 'wisdom.']




As other answers pointed out, you need to define a string literal using r

like this:(r"...")

If you want to split periods, I believe you can simplify the regex:

result = re.sub(r"[^\w' ]", " ", s ).split()

As you probably know, the metacharacter \w

separates the string of everything that is not az, AZ, 0-9

So, if you can expect your proposals will not contain numbers that should do the trick.



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