How can I dispatch SyntheticEvent?

I'm working on a component that won't have an input / select element, but I want it to behave like one, dispatching the same events as the React input, expecting to have something like this:

<div onChange={this.onChange}>
    <input type="text"/>


In this example, both inputs and MyComponent must reach this .onChange listener.

I know how to send real DOM events, but that doesn't make it an onChange listener, but only a real addEventListener on the DOM:

var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent('change', true, false);



Maybe the answer is here (or here ?), But I'm still struggling with it.


Thanks to @limelights for preparing the playground:


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1 answer

Event onChange

via React is only available for form controls, which means you never get them to register as a handler in a DIV tag.



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