Node -RED, IOT Foundation Out Node Commands not sending

I have a Node -RED application linked to an IOT Foundation (iotf) service. I can receive events from devices and handle them accordingly.

However, I am now interested in sending commands back to my devices and I have some problems. Nothing appears on the device, but by creating an IOTF in node I can confirm that the command is going through the iotf.

I can definitely get the commands to go through iotf using pure python, since the following code works well:

Client code:


import ibmiotf.device
from time import sleep

options = {
  "org": "cgmncc",
  "type": "table",
  "id": "b827eb764b7a",
  "auth-method": "token",
  "auth-token": "redacted"

def myCommandCallback(cmd):
  print('inside command callback')
  print cmd

def main():
  client = ibmiotf.device.Client(options)
  client.commandCallback = myCommandCallback
  while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":


Application code:


import ibmiotf.application

options = {
  "org": "redacted",
  "id": "python app",
  "auth-method": "apikey",
  "auth-key": "redacted",
  "auth-token": "redacted"

  client = ibmiotf.application.Client(options)
  client.publishCommand('table', 'b827eb764b7a', 'test')
except ibmiotf.ConnectionException as e:
  print e


Whenever I run my application code, I see the following output:

root@raspberrypi ~ # ./ 
inside command callback
<ibmiotf.device.Command instance at 0x14e8490>


I have a Node-RED iotf output node as shown below, but when I start the thread, the command callback function is not triggered!

enter image description hereenter image description here

I think there might be something wrong if you are trying to use a timestamp trigger to run a command, or with the way I configured the node output myself - any suggestions or advice would be appreciated!


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2 answers

A simple test to see if the IBM IoT Foundation teams have achieved is to develop another thread that has an IoT In node application that subscribes to the teams. I am attaching a Node -RED thread for the same here

    "id": "40560f8b.30693",
    "type": "ibmiot in",
    "authentication": "boundService",
    "apiKey": "",
    "inputType": "cmd",
    "deviceId": "b827eb764b7a",
    "applicationId": "",
    "deviceType": "table",
    "eventType": "",
    "commandType": "test",
    "format": "string",
    "name": "IBM IoT App In",
    "service": "registered",
    "allDevices": false,
    "allApplications": "",
    "allDeviceTypes": false,
    "allEvents": "",
    "allCommands": false,
    "allFormats": false,
    "x": 268,
    "y": 171,
    "z": "6bd610b9.7b40a",
    "wires": [
    "id": "2f9b9c00.8b7ba4",
    "type": "debug",
    "name": "",
    "active": true,
    "console": "false",
    "complete": "false",
    "x": 493,
    "y": 195,
    "z": "6bd610b9.7b40a",
    "wires": []

Run codeHide result

It will appear in the work area.
enter image description here

After you've added this stream, you can test publishing device commands from the same workspace.
Can you try this? Since you now have 2 debug nodes, you should see the same timetamp output twice. I tried the same thread, with the same details (apart from the organization) and it works great.

Thank you and
best regards Amit M Mangalvedkar



I have tried the following code


import ibmiotf.device
from time import sleep

options = {
  "org": "uguhsp",
  "type": "iotsample-raspberry",
  "id": "00aabbccde03",
  "auth-method": "token",
  "auth-token": "MASKED"

def myCommandCallback(cmd):
  print('inside command callback')
  print cmd

def main():
  client = ibmiotf.device.Client(options)
  client.commandCallback = myCommandCallback
  while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":


which is essentially similar to your code. And I can post the commands to access the device.

Can you confirm that only one device (or simulated device) is using the device credentials and that the credentials are not shared by multiple devices (physical or simulated device)?

Thank you and
best regards Amit M Mangalvedkar



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