Failed to install stdole.dll using ClickOnce

I published a program in C # and sold it to others. A couple of people have the same problem as on Error message "Cannot install or run the application. The application requires stdole Version 7.0.3300.0 in the GAC" but I am having problems with the suggested solutions.

FYI, my C # program is based on .NET 3.5.

Dragging stdole.dll

in C:\windows\assembly

did not work on one of my client machines. Files in are C:\windows\assembly

not like files in other folders. The columns in this folder are assembly name, version, culture, public key token, and processor architecture (instead of name, modified date, type and size.

I searched gacutil.exe

on my Windows 8.1 machine and found 9 of them, so I'm not sure which one to run. Or which one to run on my clients' computers, which can be any version of Windows.

I tried RPF's answer, but when I went to the Application Files screen, stdole.dll

it wasn't on my list. This solution would be nice because it would fix the problem for all of my clients.

Then I saw Magnus comment that Click-Once cannot install in the GAC. Kikenet asked about follow-up, but never got a response, so I'll ask him here ...

How can I solve this so that I don't have to run GACUTIL for every (or most) of my new clients?


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2 answers

I ended up creating a separate solution that did one thing: it installed stdole.dll in the GAC and it worked for people who had the problem. This may not solve it for everyone, I cannot be sure ...



Include it in application files from properties. By default, it is in pre-automatic mode.

See this image



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