Performance of SQL queries in a subquery

I am wondering if there is a way to make this query and get the result faster than it is built now. Maybe on the left side or so? not sure?

SELECT cs_plz                                                                plz 
   cs_companies                                                          cmp 
   cs_repeated                                                           rpt 
   (SELECT Count(call_id) 
    FROM   calls 
    WHERE  time_of_call > cs_assigndate 
           AND time_of_call < cs_lastactivate 
           AND call_sector = cs_id) 
   (SELECT Count(app_id) 
    FROM   appointments 
    WHERE  app_created > cs_assigndate 
           AND app_created < cs_lastactivate 
           AND app_callingnr IN ((SELECT c.calling_number 
                                  FROM   calls c 
                                  WHERE  c.time_of_call > cs_assigndate 
                                         AND c.time_of_call < 
                                         AND c.call_sector = cs_id))) 
   (SELECT Count(sale_id) 
    FROM   sales 
    WHERE  sale_created > cs_assigndate 
           AND sale_created < cs_lastactivate 
           AND sale_callingnr IN ((SELECT c1.calling_number 
                                   FROM   calls c1 
                                   WHERE  c1.time_of_call > cs_assigndate 
                                          AND c1.time_of_call < 
                                          AND c1.call_sector = cs_id))) 
   (SELECT Count(subsc_id) 
    FROM   subscription 
    WHERE  subsc_date > cs_assigndate 
           AND subsc_date < cs_lastactivate 
           AND subsc_callingnr IN ((SELECT c2.calling_number 
                                    FROM   calls c2 
                                    WHERE  c2.time_of_call > cs_assigndate 
                                           AND c2.time_of_call < 
                                           AND c2.call_sector = cs_id))) 
FROM   area_sector 
WHERE  cs_lastactivate > Date_sub(Now(), interval 1 month) 
   AND cs_repeated >= 1 



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2 answers

Your query structure is fine and maybe even better than left join

s. This query will benefit from composite indexes. The obvious is area_sector(cs_lastactivate, cs_repeated)

or area_sector(cs_repeated, cs_lastactivate)

, whichever column is more selective (i.e., selects the least number of rows).

Another obvious Index: calls(call_sector, time_of_call, calling_number)


Then indices on appointments(app_created, app_callingnr)

and similar ones on sales

should be useful. It's a bit tricky to tell because your columns don't have table aliases, so it's not clear which tables they come from.



First, the request is very messy. I suggest you change these sub queries to views. Then you can use connections (the type of connection depends on what you want to get). Anyway, If you change it to joins, the query will be much faster, because if you are using subqueries, each subquery has to be evaluated for every row in the main query.

At the end, consider adding indexes to the columns you use in the join operations, it should also be a good performance improvement if you have a lot of data in those tables.



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