Retrieving data from a query in multiple tables in C #

Ok, so I have a C # program that I am working on and I am having a problem while trying to query my database.

I have three tables (don't think about names, they are generalized for the purpose of this question) - CUSTOMER, CUSTORD and ORDERS


  • Enter the custID field


  • A field named orderID


  • Many to many relationships - one customer can have many orders and one order can have many customers.
  • Contains ...
    • custID (related to CUSTOMER.custID)
    • orderID (associated with ORDERS.orderID)

Basically, I need a way to insert the custID and get a list of all the orders the customer has and display them in the dataGridView.

What i tried

I tried to add queries to various table adapters using the Query Configuration Wizard in the DataSet Designer. The main problem is that when I try to use JOIN, it gives me a "JOIN expression not supported" error. JOIN is the only way I know how to bind data using SQL.

I also tried adding the code manually, but I can never get the information in the right format to display in the dataGridView. If I can order all the orderIDs associated with the custID into an array, maybe that's where I can find a solution. I can figure out how to iterate over this information, querying according to each sibID, but how can I compile all this information into one tableAdapter that will be displayed in the dataGridView?

To be honest, something is helping and if you need more information just let me know.


  • IDE: Visual Studio Ultimate 2012
  • Database created using: Microsoft Access 2010
  • Language: C #


So, I hit the road to put everything into an array that I can parse later. still getting some errors, but maybe it sheds some more light on what I am trying to do. The error I receive is "Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values ​​that violate non-empty, unique or foreign key constraints." I double checked and nothing happened and nothing repeated. It could be a foreign key, but how can I solve this? Here's the code ...

  • GetSelectedCustOrders takes a custID and requests a CUSTORD to match the orderID
    • SELECT orderID FROM CUSTORD WHERE custID = selectedCust

DBDataSetTableAdapters.CUSTORDTableAdapter CUSTORDTableAdapter = new DBDataSetTableAdapters.CUSTORDTableAdapter();

    string relationString = "-1";
    DataTable relationResult = new DataTable();

    relationResult = CUSTORDTableAdapter.GetSelectedCustOrders(Convert.ToInt16(custID));

    foreach (DataRow row in relationResult.Rows)
        foreach (DataColumn column in relationResult.Columns)
            relationString += Convert.ToString(row[column]);
            testLabel.Text = relationString;


Edit 2

So the reason I was getting the error above was because I was trying to change the table schema. If I change my SQL query query to ...


... then it worked great! I have injected the index in my foreach, so I could only select the orderIDs and add them to the String relation. Now, just parse the information, convert it to int and run a query in ORDERS for the orderID.


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1 answer

So, I decided to solve the second query. At first I just populated my DataGridView with the entire ORDER table. By putting my orderID on a comma delimited string, I split them into an array. I disabled all rows in my DataGridView and checked the orderID of the row against the entire orderID in my sRelationArray. If it matched, I included the line again. The code looks like this:

private void setOrderTable()
        string relationString = getRelatedOrders(); //gives the comma delimited string
        string[] sRelationArray = relationString.Split(new[] {','}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        CurrencyManager currencyManager1 = (CurrencyManager)BindingContext[dataGridView1.DataSource];

        catch (System.Exception ex)
            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error finding orders. \n" + ex.Message);

        foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
            row.Visible = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < sRelationArray.Length; i++)
                if (sRelationArray[i] == row.Cells[0].Value.ToString())
                    row.Visible = true;
    }//end set orders table




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