Array keys encoded using http_build_query ()
Encoding a url array with http_build_query()
causes strange behavior when the array key is also html-char code.
For example:
return http_build_query([
'id' = > ['my', 'data', 'here'], // no problem
'class' = > ['my', 'data', 'here'], // no problem
'yen' = > ['my', 'data', 'here'], // ¥ html car is ¥
'parameter' = > ['my', 'data', 'here'], // ¶ html char is ¶
and the encoded result:
What's going on here, it's possible, perhaps, that I can't use the word parameter as the array key.
If you look at the HTML output source you will see
id% 5B0% 5D = mine & id% 5B1% 5D = data & id% 5B2% 5D = here & class% 5B0% 5D = mine & class% 5B1% 5D = data & class% 5B2% 5D = here and amplifier; yen% 5B0% 5D = my & yen% 5B1% 5D = data & yen% 5B2% 5D = here & parameter% 5B0% 5D = mine & parameter% 5B1% 5D = data & parameter% 5B2% 5D = here
It is right. When rendered, only the browser interprets malformed objects such ¥
as ¥. There is nothing to worry about on the server side.
HTML reference objects
Demo: IDEOne