Yii 1.1.3 setting selected value of dependent dropdown list

I have 3 dependent dropdowns on my page for entity creation.

    echo CHtml::dropDownList('OpenLessons[Building]', '', $buildingList,array(
        'ajax' => array(
        'url'=>CController::createUrl('ajax/floorList'), //url to call.
        'update'=>'#OpenLessons_Floor', //selector to update
    echo CHtml::dropDownList('OpenLessons[Floor]','', array(),array(
        'ajax' => array(
    echo CHtml::dropDownList('OpenLessons[Class_ID]',$model->Class_ID, array());


Now I want to give them the selected options while editing: I found how to give the selected options. I found here how to do it. First select this code:

<select name="OpenLessons[Building]" id="OpenLessons_Building">
<option value="19">primary school</option>
<option value="6">high school</option>


So, I want this value to be in high school, for example.

        echo CHtml::dropDownList('OpenLessons[Building]', '', $buildingList,array(
            'ajax' => array(
            'options' => array('High school'=>array('selected'=>true)),
//Also tried this 'options' => array('6'=>array('selected'=>true)),


And the selected value when editing an object is always elementary school. What's wrong? UPDATE @Tristup helped me set the value of the first dropdown, but there are two more dependent dropdowns and I'm having problems with it. Here is my next question


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1 answer

The second parameter for dropDownList is the default selection.

Chtml::dropDownList($name, $select, $data)

Run codeHide result


$options = array ('0' => 'Select A Value', '1' => 'Tristup','2'=>'Sergey');
echo CHtml::dropDownList('mySelect', '0', $options);

Run codeHide result

here '0' is the default value to select.

Hope this works for you.



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