How to increase actionlink with route values ​​at runtime with JavaScript in ASP.NET MVC 5?

I have ActionLink.

@Html.ActionLink("Link", "action", "controller", null, htmlAttributes: new {@class = "menuLink"})


I need to set routeValues ​​to null

because I don't know the value in compiletime. They are obtained from the selected value of some dropdown lists at runtime.

Hence, I am trying to increment route values ​​at runtime using JavaScript. I don't see any other choice I have.

I am using the CSS class menuLink

in ActionLink to catch the event.

$(".menuLink").click(function () {
    var $self = $(this),
        routeValue1 = getFromDropdown1(),
        routeValue2 = getFromDropdown2(),
        href = $self.attr("href");

     // ???


How do I add route values ​​to make the href correct?

I want the url to be something like this:


My focus is on the part /2/2


I tried this

$self.attr("foo", routeValue1);
$self.attr("bar", routeValue2);


But then I get a URL like this:



And it doesn't work with my routes. MapeRoute

    name: "Authenticated",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{foo}/{bar}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "WelcomePage", Foo = "0", Bar = "0" }


I don't know if the problem is Foo = "0", Bar = "0"


Solution added. Thanks @Zabavsky

if (!String.format) {
    String.format = function (format) {
        var args =, 1);
        return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) {
            return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
                ? args[number]
                : match

var href = $self.attr("href");
var hrefDecoded = decodeURIComponent(href);
var hrefFormatted = String.format(hrefDecoded, 2, 1); // 2 and 1 test only..
$self.attr('href', hrefFormatted);



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2 answers

I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but I will provide you with my solution for this problem. The main idea is to create a link with all the required parameters and format href

with javascript, like string.Format

in C #.

  • Create a link:
@Html.ActionLink("Link", "action", "controller",
    new { Foo = "{0}", Bar = "{1}"}, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "menuLink" })


The helper will generate the correct URL, which, according to your route configuration, will look like this:

<a href="{0}/{1}" class="menuLink">Link</a>


  1. Write a function format


You can check how to implement it here . If you are using jQuery validation plugin you can use the built-in function.

  1. Format href

    in your javascript:
$(".menuLink").click(function () {
    var routeValue1 = getFromDropdown1(),
        routeValue2 = getFromDropdown2(),
        url = decodeURIComponent(this.href);

    // {0} and {1} will be replaced with routeValue1 and routeValue1
    this.href = url.format(routeValue1, routeValue2);


Not concatenating route parameters in href like this href +'/'+ routeValue1 +'/'+routeValue2

one will result in a 404 when changing the route configuration url. You should always generate urls using url helpers and avoid javascript encoding them.



You can change the href attribute of the anchor tag dynamically as shown below.

$(".menuLink").click(function () {
    var $self = $(this),
        routeValue1 = getFromDropdown1(),
        routeValue2 = getFromDropdown2(),
        href = $self.attr("href"),
        editedHref = href.split('?')[0];

    $self.attr('href', editedHref+'/'+ routeValue1  +'/'+routeValue2 );




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