How do I autoload classes with a file name other than the class name?

I saw them

How do I autoload a class with a different filename? PHP

Load a class with a different name than the one passed to the autoloader as an argument

I can change, but in my MV * framework I have:



In actual classes, they

class CustomerController {}
class OrderController{}
class CustomerModel{}
class OrderModel{}


I tried to match the names. If I don't put the class name suffix (Controller, Model) then I cannot load the class because this is an update.

If I keep my class names the autoloading fails because it will look for a class file named



when the filename is valid,



I am the only way (in no order):

  • use create_alias
  • rename my files (customer.model.php to customermodel.php)
  • rename my classes
  • use regular expressions
  • use a boot file with included files ( include

    , require_once



Sample code,

function model_autoloader($class) {
    include MODEL_PATH . $class . '.model.php';



I seem to need to rename the files,

"The term class name matches a file name ending in .php. The file name MUST match the trailing class name case."


source to share

1 answer

It seems to me that it might have to do with some basic string manipulation and some conventions.

define('CLASS_PATH_ROOT', '/');

function splitCamelCase($str) {
  return preg_split('/(?<=\\w)(?=[A-Z])/', $str);

function makeFileName($segments) {
    if(count($segments) === 1) { // a "model"
        return CLASS_PATH_ROOT . 'models/' . strtolower($segments[0]) . '.php';

    // else get type/folder name from last segment
    $type = strtolower(array_pop($segments));

    if($type === 'controller') {
        $folderName = 'controllers';
    else {
        $folderName = $type;

    $fileName = strtolower(join($segments, '.'));

    return CLASS_PATH_ROOT . $folderName . '/' . $fileName . '.' . $type . '.php';

$classNames = array('Customer', 'CustomerController');

foreach($classNames as $className) {
    $parts = splitCamelCase($className);

    $fileName = makeFileName($parts);

    echo $className . ' -> '. $fileName . PHP_EOL;


Output signal

Client -> /models/customer.php

CustomerController -> /controllers/customer.controller.php

Now you need to use makeFileName

inside the autoloader function.

I myself am strongly against such things. I would use namespaces and file names that reflect the namespace and class name. I would also use Composer .

(I found it splitCamelCase

here .)



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