Understanding the PowerPC rlwinm instruction

So, I finally convinced myself to try and learn PowerPC (PPC). Everything is going well and most of the information has been found on the internet. However, while looking at some examples, I came across this:

rlwinm    r3, r3, 0,1,1


How do I do this in C? I tried doing some research but couldn't find anything that would help me. Thanks in advance!


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2 answers


means "Rotate left word immediate, then aNd with mask and that's the correct usage

rlwinm  RA, RS, SH, MB, ME


According to the description page :

  • RA Indicates the target universal register that stores the result of the operation.
  • RS Specifies the source general register to operate on.
  • SH Indicates the shift value for the operation.
  • MB Specifies the initial mask value for the operation.
  • ME Sets the final mask value for the job.
  • BM Specifies the 32-bit mask value.


  • If the MB value is less than the ME + 1 value, then the mask bit is between the start point and the end point, including those. All other bits are zeros.
  • If the MB value is the same as ME + 1, then all 32 mask bits are set to one.
  • If the MB value is greater than the ME + 1 value, then all mask bits between the enable value and the MD value +1 and the MB -1 value are set to zero. All other bits are set to ones.

So in your example, the source and target are the same. The amount of the shift 0

, so there is no shift. And MB=ME=1

, therefore, it applies the first case, so that the mask becomes all zeroes with the number 1 as a bit 1

, and the numbering of MSB=0

: 0x40000000


In C, we can write it as simple as

a &= 0x40000000;


Assuming a

is a 32 bit variable.




rotates the value of the register left by the specified number, executes AND

and stores the result in the register.

Example: rlwinm r3, r4, 5, 0, 31


is the source register that is rotated by 5

, and before the rotated result is placed in r3

, it is also AND

ed with a bit mask of only 1 s, since the spacing between 0

and 31

is all 32-bit value.

An example from here .

For the implementation, C

you can take a look at how to rotate left and howAND

, which should now be trivial. Something like the following should work:

int rotateLeft(int input, int shift) {
    return (input << shift) | ((input >> (32 - shift)) & ~(-1 << shift));

int rlwinm(int input, int shift, int mask) {
    return rotateLeft(input, shift) & mask;




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