Maximum number of partition constraints in a table in cassandra

I am new to cassandra. As per my understanding, depending on the configured partitioner (murmur3partitioner or randomercess partitioner) there is a partition limit per table. if we configure keypace with murmur3partitioner, which will enforce a partition limit of 2 ^ 63 partitions per table. when inserting a row, if a new insert tries to create a new section beyond the limit, the insert will fail (this means I am getting unique row key combinations over 2 ^ 63 per table).

Can anyone please clarify if my understanding of the partition limitation per column family is correct?

And also in my understanding there is no way to increase the partition limit even by adding nodes to the cluster, please correct me if I am wrong.


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1 answer

The range of values ​​for the murmur3 separator is actually -2 ^ 63 to + 2 ^ 63-1. This is a massive number. In any practical sense, you will not run out of value. Do not worry.



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