Moving from fragment to fragment by new activity

I am working on an application that is currently using moving content to ImageView

from one chunk to another with the same activity. It works fine, but I figured out that my target fragment should have its own activity.

So let's say I have an Activity A that contains Fragment 1 And I have an Activity B that contains Fragment 2 . I need to transition a common element from Fragment 1 to Fragment 2 .

Here's what I have done so far: In the callback method from fragment 1 to activity A, I pass the selected object as well as the image I want to navigate from.

Activity A

public void OnPhotographSelected(Photograph selectedPhoto,ImageView image) {
    Intent i= new Intent(this, PhotoDetailActivity.class);
    i.putExtra("photo_OBJ", selectedPhoto);
    i.putExtra("transitionName", image.getTransitionName());
    startActivity(i, ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this, image, "mainPhoto").toBundle());


Activity B

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Photograph photoObj=new Photograph();
    Bundle b = getIntent().getExtras();
    String transitionName="";
    PhotoDetailFragment pdf = PhotoDetailFragment.newInstance(photoObj);
    FragmentTransaction trans = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
    trans.replace(, pdf);


Fragment 2



Theme of the event

 <item name="android:windowActivityTransitions">true</item>


I don't see the content transition at runtime. As I mentioned earlier, this transition worked correctly from fragment to fragment within the same activity. It's also worth noting that Fragment 1 is a gridview, so I have to maintain the transitionNames myself, so they are unique, which is why you see calls to setTransitionName at runtime.

Any idea why I am not seeing the transition?


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1 answer

Try using postponeEnterTransition()

in second activity inside onCreate()

and yourActivity.startPostponedEnterTransition()

in your fragment after creating your view in onViewCreated()


If you are using AppCompat try supportPostponeEnterTransition()

both supportStartPostponedEnterTransition()

or ActivityCompat.postponeEnterTransition(yourActivity)

and ActivityCompat.startPostponedEnterTransition(yourActivity)


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