Fetch the array above $ http and view in ionic element of ionic list

As in the title, I am trying to assign a list from a $ http request and then see that list in the view.

I believe the problem is that the view is rendered before the data is loaded, if I understand ion correctly. And the view is never updated when variables change.

I was told that the solution is one way to fix it, but I would prefer the view to change and then show a loading progress bar while it waits for the HTTP request to complete and then show the list.


Edit: I think I need to add a way to load data via ng-init in the html file, which seems to be wrong too. Is there a better way at all?

view html file:

<ion-view view-title={{ListName}} ng-init="getList()">
    <ion-content ng-controller="ListCtrl">
            <ion-item ng-repeat="item in list"

               <img ng-src="{{item.thumbnail}}">


fragment of controller:

.controller('ListCtrl', function($scope){
  $scope.list = []
  $scope.ListName = ''

  $scope.getList = function(){
     $scope.ListName = 'list'

     $scope.list = [{id: 1, thumbnail:null}, {id: 2, thumbnail:null},{id: 3, thumbnail:null} ,{id: 4, thumbnail:null}]




the list is actually obtained in an HTTP request that returns a promise, but that gives me the same problem. This is something annoyingly basic that I just don't understand about ionic yet


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1 answer

Dinesh answered my question. Putting the ng controller in ionic view was all I needed to do!



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