Excel VBA Option Buttons - How Do You Cancel Them?

I am trying to deselect radio buttons

and I cannot figure out how to do it. My last attempt looks like this:

Sheet1.Shapes("STCT" & strNumbers).ControlFormat.Value = xlOff


If name radio button

is STCT04

(or 05, or 06, or ... you get a pattern) and the part number of the name is stored in a string variable. I have also tried this

Sheet1.Shapes("STCT" & strNumbers).Value = False


Bad luck. I have googled quite a bit and 95% of the time commenters suggest one of the two above and the question poster always says it worked. This is not for me.

What should I do then?

Edit: I have a list of options to choose from, each with a button assigned. I have 10 options, but the user can sometimes only choose from 5 of them 10. (This depends on other things in my book.) In these cases (if the option does not apply), I would like to set the property to "Value" or " the "False" button is on. When I do this (change one of the two properties) it also overrides every pre-existing selection. (As if the macro call button was pressed.) Hope this makes sense.

Ex: suppose option 2 is selected the solution is not final, but I have it selected. Then it changes something and excludes option 3 from the list of options. When I change one of the aforementioned two properties of Button3, parameter 2 also changes to unselected.


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1 answer

Use the property Value


Using the ActiveX select button:

Dim ole As OLEObject
Set ole = Sheet1.Shapes("STCT" & strNumbers).OLEFormat.Object

Dim op As MSForms.OptionButton
Set op = ole.Object
op.Value = False


By button form options:

Dim op As OptionButton
Set op = Sheet1.Shapes("STCT" & strNumbers).OLEFormat.Object
op.Value = False




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