Monkey patch python with instruction

I am using py.test for my python module testing. Consider the following code:

def mytest():
    "Test method"
    print "Before with statement"
    with TestClass('', 'r') as test_obj:
        print "This shouldn't print after patching."
        # some operation on object.
    print "After with statement."


Is it possible to execute the monkeypatch command so TestClass

that the code in the block with

becomes noop


For example, the output after the fix should be:

Before with statement
After with statement


I know I can fix the feature mytest

, but this is for better testing coverage.

I tried, something along the following lines but couldn't get it to work.

class MockTestClass(object):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        print "__init__ called."

    def __enter__(self):
        print "__enter__ called."
        raise TestException("Yeah done with it! Get lost now.")

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        print "__exit__ called."

module_name.setattr('TestClass',  MockTestClass)



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2 answers

I think what you are trying to do is prohibited by the Python language specification.

As you can see in PEP-343, the definition of the "with" statement will prevent you from trying to exit the context earlier:

mgr = (EXPR)
exit = type(mgr).__exit__  # Not calling it yet
value = type(mgr).__enter__(mgr)
exc = True
        VAR = value  # Only if "as VAR" is present
        # The exceptional case is handled here
        exc = False
        if not exit(mgr, *sys.exc_info()):
        # The exception is swallowed if exit() returns true
    # The normal and non-local-goto cases are handled here
    if exc:
        exit(mgr, None, None, None)


It was suggested to change this to a feature of the function you would need ( PEP-377 ), but this was rejected.



It is clear from @ Peter's answer that we cannot make the whole block like noop

. I ended up doing the following for my use.

# Module
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print "class inited"

    def __enter__(self):
        print "entered class"
        return None

    def foo(self):
        raise Exception("Not implemented")

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        print "exited class"
        return True

# Module FooTest
import foo

class FooTest(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print "class inited"

    def __enter__(self):
        print "entered class"
        return None

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        print "exited class"
        return True

    print "It shouldn't print"
    print "Expected exception"
setattr(foo, 'Foo', FooTest)
print "Patched"
with foo.Foo() as a:
    print "It shouldn't print"
print 'Test passed!'




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