How to call a lambda using LINQ expression trees in C # /. NET

I want to use expression trees to dynamically create a method to call a lambda. The following code works fine for the first call to the ComposeLambda function, but the second call fails with the following error message.

Invalid number of arguments provided for method call 'Int32 lambda_method (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure, Int32)'

    Func<int, int> innerLambda = i => i + 1;    
    var composedLambda = ComposeLambda(innerLambda);
    var composedLambda2 = ComposeLambda(composedLambda);

private static Delegate ComposeLambda(Delegate innerLambda)
    Func<int, int> outerLambda = i => i + 2;
    var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof (int));
    var callInner = Expression.Call(innerLambda.GetMethodInfo(), parameter);
    var callOuter = Expression.Call(outerLambda.GetMethodInfo(), callInner);
    var composedLambdaType = typeof (Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof (int), typeof (int));
    var composedLambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda(composedLambdaType, callOuter, parameter);
    var composedLambda = composedLambdaExpression.Compile();
    return composedLambda;


How can I get and pass this closure object?


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1 answer

Don't use Expression.Call(innerLambda.GetMethodInfo(), ...)

just asking for trouble. Call the delegate instead - you have no business communication with the "delegate" method - you don't just lose purpose (which is very important in instance methods), but you also violate confidentiality (anonymous methods are internal or private, for example).

And in this case, you didn't pass the closure parameter to the method :) This should be pretty obvious from the error message - it shows you the signature of the actual method (which includes the closure).

If you use Expression.Invoke

(as for delegates) it works as expected:

void Main()
    Func<int, int> innerLambda = i => i + 1;    
    var composedLambda = ComposeLambda(innerLambda);
    var composedLambda2 = ComposeLambda(composedLambda);

private static Delegate ComposeLambda(Delegate innerLambda)
    Func<int, int> outerLambda = i => i + 2;
    var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof (int));

    var callInner = Expression.Invoke(Expression.Constant(innerLambda), parameter);
    var callOuter = Expression.Invoke(Expression.Constant(outerLambda), callInner);
    var composedLambdaType = typeof (Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof (int), typeof (int));
    var composedLambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda(composedLambdaType, callOuter, parameter);
    var composedLambda = composedLambdaExpression.Compile();
    return composedLambda;


In addition to this, if you know the correct delegate type at compile time, then don't use Delegate

. In this case, it is quite simple to use Func<int, int>

, which can then be called like composedLambda2(0)

, for example:

private static Func<int, int> ComposeLambda(Func<int, int> innerLambda)
  Func<int, int> outerLambda = i => i + 2;
  var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof (int));

  var callInner = Expression.Invoke(Expression.Constant(innerLambda), parameter);
  var callOuter = Expression.Invoke(Expression.Constant(outerLambda), callInner);

  var composedLambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, int>>(callOuter, parameter);
  return composedLambdaExpression.Compile();




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