Easy way to register parameter values ​​in method exclusion methods in Java

Currently my exceptions are writing text and stack trace:

throw new RequestValidationException("test exception", parameters, e);


I want to collect all parameters for throws exception in all methods.

HashMap<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();   
        parameters.put("testparam", message.toString());

throw new RequestValidationException("test exception", parameters, e);


I am now using hashmap. I have to look at each method and check if it uses a parameter. It will cost me several days. There are thousands of exceptions in the code, is there an easy way to show the values?


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1 answer

You can use slf4j-ext for logging method parameters. They are logged at the trace level.

private static final XLogger xlogger = XLoggerFactory.getXLogger(MyClass.class);


Then you can use at the beginning and end of your methods like this:

protected void Method1(Message aMessage){




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