Separating javascript "classes" or "modules" from the View Model using Knockout.js / RequireJs

I have an application that I am developing with Knockout and I am using RequireJs and what I am trying to do is have specific code for several different pages without having to have code in multiple files ... stuff like this:

    function perPageOption(value, display) {
        this.value = value;
        this.display = display;


I have on my page:

<script data-main="/Scripts/JournalEntriesDetailPage" src="~/Scripts/require.js"></script>

And a script (JournalEntriesDetailPage):

require(['Knockout', 'journalEntiresDetailViewModel', './app/JournalModels', 'domReady'], function (ko, viewModel) {
ko.applyBindings(new viewModel());



And then in my "journalEntiresDetailViewModel" I have this:

//per page options
self.perPageOptions = [new perPageOption(10, 10), new perPageOption(20, 20), new perPageOption(50, 50), new perPageOption(100, 100)];


"./app/JournalModels" is where the arrays / classes are located and they appear "undefined" when I try to use them on any page I try to "import" them to. I am struggling to figure this out. I've looked at examples for multi-page applications with requirejs and they seem too complicated for what I'm trying to do. I don't understand why "domready" works when I "require" it, but my file doesn't work.

I have also tried this without success:

define(['Knockout'], function (ko) {
    define('EntryType', function () {
    function EntryType(data) { = ko.observable(data.ID); = ko.observable(data.Name);
        this.color = ko.observable(data.Color);
        this.journaltypeid = ko.observable(data.JournalTypeID);
    return new EntryType();



define('EntryType', function () {
    return function EntryType(data) { = ko.observable(data.ID); = ko.observable(data.Name);
        this.color = ko.observable(data.Color);
        this.journaltypeid = ko.observable(data.JournalTypeID);



define(['Knockout'], function (ko) {

return {
    pagePerOption: function(data) {
        this.value = value;
        this.display = display;
    entryType: function(data) { = ko.observable(data.ID); = ko.observable(data.Name);
        this.color = ko.observable(data.Color);
        this.journaltypeid = ko.observable(data.JournalTypeID);



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1 answer

Ok, I thought I tried this before, but now this works:


    <script data-main="/Scripts/JournalEntriesDetailPage" src="~/Scripts/require.js"></script>


Init script (JournalEntriesDetailPage):

require(['Knockout', 'journalEntiresDetailViewModel', 'domReady!'], function (ko, viewModel) {
     ko.applyBindings(new viewModel());


Show model script (journalEntiresDetailViewModel):

define(['Knockout', './app/JournalModels'], function (ko, model) {
return function () {
    //per page options
    self.perPageOptions = [new model.perPageOption(10, 10), new model.perPageOption(20, 20), new model.perPageOption(50, 50), new model.perPageOption(100, 100)];
    //tons of other code


and the definition in the "models" script (JournalModels):

define(['Knockout'], function (ko) {

function _entryType(data) { = ko.observable(data.ID); = ko.observable(data.Name);
    this.color = ko.observable(data.Color);
    this.journaltypeid = ko.observable(data.JournalTypeID);

return {
    entryType: function (data) {
        return new _entryType(data);
    entry: function (data) { = ko.observable(data.ID);
        this.createdby = ko.observable(data.CreatedBy);
        var datey = new Date(+data.CreatedDate.match(/\d+/)[0]);
        this.createddate = ko.observable(datey.toLocaleDateString() + " " + datey.toLocaleTimeString());
        this.content = ko.observable(data.Content);
        this.entrytype = ko.observable(new _entryType(data.EntryType));
        this.entrytypename = ko.observable(data.EntryType.Name);
        this.entrytypeid = ko.observable(data.EntryType.ID);
        this.journalid = ko.observable(data.journalid);

    perPageOption: function (value, display) {
        this.value = ko.observable(value);
        this.display = ko.observable(display);


I needed to return data in the script models, which I thought I tried, but I must not have done the other important part ... which was:

define(['Knockout', './app/JournalModels'], function (ko, model) {...


... in the view model script, so I could use "model" in my view model "model.pagePerOption". Basically I just had to stumble over the right combination ... because I tried everything and changed so much that the two things I needed were probably not there at the same time until they were finally there.

Thanks for answers...:)



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