How to bind a specific cell in a kendo grid with javascript?

I now have a kendo grid with 2 rows and 6 columns. I need logic to highlight a specific cell, but I don't know how to refer to the cell. I used this example, but I don't know what to pass as the ID.

myHub.client.highlightRow = function (id) {
    var data = $("#MyGrid").data("kendoGrid");
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        var dataItem = data[i];
        if ( == id) {
            $("#MyGrid").data("kendoGrid").tbody.find("tr[data-uid=" + dataItem.uid + "]").effect("highlight", { color: "#f35800" }, 3000);


Here's an example of my grid.

function loadGaugeTable(siteId, dashboardId, endDate, planType) {
    var today = new Date();
    var metricTitle = "Metric, as of " + monthNames[today.getMonth()] + " " + today.getDate();
    var containerSize = $("#gaugeMetricTableContainer").width();
    var apiPath = "/" + getAppPath() + "/Analytics/api/DashboardApi/getAllMetricTDData" + "?siteId=" + siteId +
                                                                                    "&dashboardId=" + dashboardId +
                                                                                    "&endDate=" + escape(endDate) +
                                                                                    "&planType=" + planType


        attributes: {
            "class": "table-cell",
            style: "font-size: 10px"
        height: 250,
        selectable: "row",
        scrollable: true,
        sortable: true,
        filterable: true,
        columns: [
            { field: "MetricName", title: metricTitle, width: containerSize / 4 + "px" },
            { field: "DailyActual", title: "Daily Actual", format: decimalPrecisionFormat },
            { field: "DailyTarget", title: "Daily Target", format: decimalPrecisionFormat },
            { field: "MTDActual", title: "MTD Actual", format: decimalPrecisionFormat },
            { field: "MTDTarget", title: "MTD Target", format: decimalPrecisionFormat },
            { field: "YTDActual", title: "YTD Actual", format: decimalPrecisionFormat },
            { field: "YTDTarget", title: "YTD Target", format: decimalPrecisionFormat }

        dataSource: {
            transport: {
                read: {
                    dataType: "json", url: apiPath



How can I make a reference to row 1, column 2.

var data = $("#gaugeMetricTable").data("kendoGrid");


Returns data for a row, but I cannot reference the data column [0] .columns [1].


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2 answers

In kendoGrid, each information is represented by an array of objects in which one element of the array is one row. Kendo adds a uid property to all dataObjects in the array. So one dataObject looks like this:

var dataItem = {
    MetricName: "some-val",
    DailyActual: "some-val",
    DailyTarget: "some-val",
    MTDActual: "some-val",
    MTDTarget: "some-val",
    YTDActual: "some-val",
    YTDTarget: "some-val",
    uid: "uid-val"


Now, to get this row of data, you can simply use:

var grid = $("#gaugeMetricTable").data("kendoGrid");
var row = grid.find("tr[data-uid=" + dataItem.uid + "]");


Next, to get one of this cell by index, you can write:

var cellIndex_1 = 5;
var cell_1 = row.find("td:eq(" + cellIndex_1 + ")");


To get one cell by property name, you must first know its index, for example, if you want to get the cell corresponding to the MTDActual property:

var cellName = "MTDActual";
var cellIndex_2 = grid.element.find("th[data-field = '" + cellName + "']").index();
var cell_2 = row.find("td:eq(" + cellIndex_2 + ")");


Note: if you want to use it with frozen columns, you need to slightly change the way you get the honeycomb.



This worked for me:

function onChange(arg) {
       var cell =;
       var cellIndex = cell[0].cellIndex;
       var column = this.columns[0];


Cell value in column 0, for example from the selected row:

var mydata = dataItem[column.field];


Happy KendoGrid coding.



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