Use version number in reference files in Sphinx

In Sphinx, file links can be generated using the following syntax:

`name_of_file.js <some/location/name_of_file.js>`_


The file defines a variable version

that we can use in .rst files such as:



Including a version in a file link using this syntax is not allowed:

`name_of_file.|version|.min.js <some/location/name_of_file.|version|.min.js>`_


So how can I generate links to files named like name_of_file.<version_num>.min.js

and use the version number from


source to share

2 answers

I needed something like this and after a lot of experimentation I have a workaround for this. Be careful, this is a tricky solution, but it works.

The short answer is:

You need to split the parts of the link to the left and right of | versions | and use raw html along with |version|

. Your .rst will look like this:

Example of a link with version in it |link-pre|\ |version|\ |link-post|

.. |link-pre| raw:: html

    <a href="some/location/name_of_file.

.. |link-post| raw:: html



Long answer

There are several obstacles we need to overcome:

Problem 1: Now |version|

essentially a replacement for the definition . When you use the link to fill in your document, it must lead by using space

, for example |version|


So, even in a regular rsT clause that is not a link, you cannot do name_of_file.|version|.min.js

. You will need to do name_of_file.\ |version|.min.js

i.e. Exit space


Issue 2: Nested inline markup is not supported in the registry:

Thus, you cannot make a replacement, |version|

within the reference \`name_of_file.|version|.min.js`\

. This is why we have to use raw-html and break it apart and we create 2 more substitution definitions |link-pre|

and |link-post|

that will be replaced with their raw-html in the generated release.

I tried using an inline :raw-html:

role but that didn't help, so unfortunately the solution turned out to be verbose.



Good news

This works fine in HTML

Bad news

It doesn't show up as a PDF hyperlink (via latexpdf). But at least this is not a mistake.



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