Lock Free Bounded Stack C ++ 11 atomics

I was thinking about using a very simple bounded (pre-allocated) stack to keep track of my thread IDs in the correct LIFO order. So I was wondering if my implementation is thread safe:

// we use maximum 8 workers
size_t idle_ids_stack[8];
// position current write happening at
std::atomic_uint_fast8_t idle_pos(0);

// this function is called by each thread when it is about to sleep
void register_idle(size_t thread_id) 
    idle_ids_stack[idle_pos.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)] = thread_id;

// this function can be called from anywhere at anytime
void wakeup_one() 
    uint_fast8_t old_pos(idle_pos.load(std::memory_order_relaxed));
    size_t id;
        if(old_pos == 0) return; // no idle threads in stack; exit;
        id = idle_ids_stack[old_pos-1];
    while (!idle_pos.compare_exchange_weak(old_pos, old_pos-1, std::memory_order_acquire, std::memory_order_relaxed));
    // wakeup single thread



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1 answer

I am not an expert on blocking programming, but I am pretty sure your code is NOT thread safe.

  • Consider first register_idle()


    What can happen here is that Thread1 is incrementing idle_pos

    , but before it stores its id, another thread calls wakeup_once

    and uses the deprecated id (in the worst case, not even a valid one, since the array is not initialized yet). Also I see no reason to fetch memory ...

  • In wakeup_one()

    you have a similar problem (called ABA problem ):

    • You download current idle_pos

      and according to id

    • Another thread calls and terminates wakeup_one

      (idle_pos is decremented).
    • Another thread calls register_idle

      , which again increases idle_pos to the same value as before.
    • Now the first thread resumes, thinks it idle_pos

      doesn't change and signals the wrong thread

I may be wrong, but I believe that it is generally not possible to create fully blocking stacks based on an array, because you need to do two things in one atomic operation: change the index variable and store or load the value in the array.

Aside from these logic errors, I highly recommend not using offline memory fences (they make the code less readable and may even be more expensive). Also, I would just start manually specifying the memory orders after I made sure the program is correct with the default settings.



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